Sleep apnea is a dysfunction characterized by paused breathing, choking, and gasping for air during sleep. Snoring is one of the top signs of sleep apnea. However, It is worth noting that other factors like nasal congestion and your sleeping position can cause snoring. So, it would help to have a sleep apnea dentist examine you for sleep apnea if snoring is accompanied by choking or gasping. Read on to understand the link between snoring and sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder often characterized by signs like frequent awakenings, gasping or choking during sleep. However, it would be best to consult with a dentist in Boca Raton for a proper evaluation. Remember that snoring can be a result of other factors like nasal congestion. Sleep apnea can be destructive to your health as it interferes with your sleeping schedule and breathing.
Snoring is a common indicator of obstructive sleep apnea, which is the most prevalent form of sleep apnea. During a sleep apnea episode, your airway becomes blocked, which may cause pauses in your breath or shallow breathing. Restriction of air causes the vibration of tissues and the throat, which produces a sound we know as snoring.
Sleep apnea can affect your health significantly. Sleep and rest are crucial for the normal functioning of your body. Some health implications caused by sleep apnea include the following:
Cardiovascular Problems
Sleep apnea causes cardiovascular diseases such as stroke, heart disease, hypertension and coronary artery disease. In addition, reduced oxygen levels may cause irreversible damage to your cardiovascular system.
Daytime Sleepiness and Fatigue
Sleeping apnea disrupts your sleep schedule, and as a result, it causes daytime sleepiness. Consequently, excessive sleepiness may hinder your productivity during the day. In addition, sleepiness during the day reduces your concentration and makes it hard to complete even the simplest of tasks.
Decreased Life Quality
Inadequate sleep caused by sleep apnea generally reduces the quality of your life. Not only does it cause constant fatigue, but it also causes mood swings and social withdrawal. Consequently, you are likely to develop a negative outlook on life and even abandon your favourite activities. It would be best to visit a dentist in 3486 to get treated for sleep apnea before it can cause adverse effects on your health.
Diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea vary depending on the severity of your symptoms. Here are some guidelines on diagnosis and treatment options for sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea is diagnosed by Polysomnography. For this method, a specialist for snoring and obstructive sleep apnea in Boca Raton, Fl, puts you in a sleep center overnight. During this period, they examine you and monitor parameters like your oxygen level, sleeping patterns, brain activity and heart rate.
After diagnosis, your dentist can recommend a variety of treatment options, including the following:
Managing sleep apnea is effective in improving your health and lifestyle. Here are a few tips on managing sleep apnea:
Snoring is the most common sign of obsessive sleep apnea. Patients who have sleep apnea experience problems like choking and shortness of breath in their sleep. However, snoring is not necessarily a sign of sleep apnea, as factors like nasal congestion and a bad sleeping posture may cause it. Nevertheless, sleep apnea can be managed by treatment and observing a healthy lifestyle. Sleeping apnea can adversely affect your health and social life, decreasing productivity and causing diseases like high blood pressure. For this reason, it would help to visit a dentist in Boca Raton to treat sleep apnea in its initial stages.